Resolution Research will attend the New York Times Health For Tomorrow Conference
Nina Nichols, CEO of Resolution Research, will be attending the New York Times Health For Tomorrow Conference to promote Resolution’s new research platform for medical professionals, The Medical Panel. NYT Health for Tomorrow is one of the most cutting-edge professional conferences in the health and medicine field, including innovators in using mobile technology and social media to promote health and wellness for consumers, as well as greater efficiency and effectiveness for doctors and other medical practitioners.
The conference brings together over 300 experts not just from clinical medicine, but also from the business world, academia, nonprofits, and government to discuss the challenges and opportunities that face medical practitioners in today’s rapidly changing landscape of technology, economics, and globalization. Topics addressed will include health care reform, the costs of medical care, the benefits and hazards of rapidly advancing new technology, and new demands on medical professionals.
This year’s forum is taking place at the University of California in San Francisco May 28-29, and features a wide variety of leaders, influencers and innovators in all fields of medicine. These include Dr. Toby Cosgrove, CEO of Cleveland Clinic (included on Modern Healthcare’s list of the 100 most powerful people in the medical field) and Janet Napolitano, President of the University of California and former US Secretary of Homeland Security, as well as Halle Tecco, CEO of Rock Health, a seed fund for digital health companies.
This conference will be a great opportunity for Resolution Research to network with top medical influencers and spread the word about our new Medical Panel site, set to go live shortly before the conference. We want medical professionals from all fields, including physicians, healthcare information experts, executives, administrators, and biotechnologists, to know that The Medical Panel will be their source to participate in paid research studies, collaborate with colleagues near and far, and access the most recent medical information and resources.
Source: New York Times Health For Tomorrow Conference: